
As every year, this event is a real challenge in term of organisation and every hand is welcome.  You’d like to join?
This year we have two options to choose : some support slots as Béné-Volant.e.s and some spots for Grand Bénévoles.
There will be something for everyone: management of the bar, artists taxi or reception, storage, cleaning, installation, decoration, festival reception…

How can I become a Béné-Volant.e.s?

Here is how you can help in a light way : giving one hour of your time during the bals (bar, tickets selling…) or a bit more in another moment of the day (cleaning, installation, musicians taxi…). You will get our gratitude and 2 drinks tickets per hour acomplished during bals.

Volunteer ? ==> register here


What about Grands Bénévoles?

This year again, we are looking for Grands Bénévoles to help organize the festival.

Each Grand Bénévole will have one responsibility followed on the 4 days of the festival (for example, supervision of the bar, supervision of the dormitory…). The idea is to be able to relieve the organization team on important positions of the festival.

If you want to apply, you will have the possibility to organize your time to enjoy the festival, but we will also count on your investment in the task you have chosen.

In exchange, you will be offered entrance to the festival, accomodation in dormitory, meals and two drink tickets per day for the 4 days.

If you are interested, we invite you to contact the organizers of the festival at the email address: benevolefunambals@ecomail.fr.

Looking forward to share these moments of dance and collaboration!

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