Roles and comfort in two-person dances

By Anatole LORNE et Morgane MOREAU

To dance with other bodies, other beings, is to bet on an encounter, a moment of sharing with the other.

We dance with what we are, the fruit of our histories and the cultures from which we come: we enter into dance relationships just as we enter into relationships with others, off the dance floor : with our desires, our needs, our limits, our fears, our prejudices, our clumsiness, our occasional errors of judgement.

The workshop will use the frameworks and tools of dance for two (invitation, connection, roles…) to put in place and consolidate what is necessary for healthy and fertile relationships, in and for dance : well-being of each other, observation, attention, empathy, listening, respect, building trust and consent.

Play and dance will play an important role in this approach. Training in verbal exchange is essential. Coherence between body and words will be at the center of attention. So that balls are and remain spaces for joyful, playful, reassuring interaction!



Prerequisites ?
Knowledge of basic two-part dance steps (scottish, mazurka, waltz, polka, bourrée deux-temps) and an interest in changing roles.

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